
Living Ventures Charity Dinner – Dream The Impossible

4 May 2017
2 min News Manchester

Manchester's first ever city-wide banquet will aim to raise half a million pounds in just one night in memory of restaurant entrepreneur Tim Bacon. Co-founder of the Living Ventures Restaurant empire, he is credited with transforming Manchester's dining scene but passed away in 2016.

Tim’s business partner and Living Ventures CEO Jeremy Roberts has announced a groundbreaking event dubbed ‘Dream the Impossible’, which will take place on September 21st 2017. It will see seven or more of Living Ventures venues across Manchester stage a simultaneous dining experience for more than 1,000 people, in what is thought to be a world first. Following dinner, all guests will then be taken to the Albert Hall to complete the evening with an unforgettable party. Details of the top quality entertainment secured for the evening will be revealed in the coming weeks.



Jeremy revealed details of the event during SpinFEST at The Oast House in Manchester on Sunday 30th April, which was the anniversary of Tim’s passing. To mark the occasion friends and former colleagues gathered at the live music event in Spinningfields. The September event will raise money for The Tim Bacon Foundation’s inaugural appeal for Christie's Proton Beam Therapy project and Maggie’s Centres who provide much needed care for cancer patients. The Tim Bacon Foundation was set up by Jeremy Roberts in January this year in honour of his erstwhile partner and exists to raise funds for cancer charities. Roberts said: "On 21st September Living Ventures will be closing its city centre restaurants for the night to hold what I think is the first simultaneous charity dining experience in the world for over 1000 people.

Tickets for the dinner including the party which will be held at Living Ventures restaurants in the city; Artisan, Alchemist, GUSTO, Grill on the Alley, Australasia, Grand Pacific and Manchester House and after at The Albert Hall will start at £100 in Artisan and will be available via the Tim Bacon Foundation website from 15th May.


Living Ventures CEO Jeremy Roberts

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