If any restaurant in this town should be recommended it is certainly the spice lounge as it is renowned for good food and excellent service it blows the other 3 Indians in the town out of the water, we were regulars of another Indian, but a friend recommended this restaurant, so we payed it a visit and haven't looked back, we would like to thank all at the restaurant for such enjoyable visit, we will certainly be in to see you all soon.
Sally Mc Keown
I dine quite regularly in this restaurant and have not once been let down, not only is the interior impeccable and the service 5 stars, and there is no way to describe how good the food is, as i wouldn't be able to give it the justice it deserves about how good it is i give it 5 stars all round.
The owners have done a small town proud by bringing such a different experience to the town, i really could write all day about the restaurant but at no point could i get the point across i give it 5 stars all around